
A dark transformation is underway in this place.

One that will allow you to experience a dark and ominous place where lava flows heavy under a sulfur-laced breeze, and the cavernous twilight pulses electric through an underground settlement established in ancient times to contain those troubled souls who seek to evade retribution and/or death waiting for them on the surface. The inhabitants all know the rules – they cannot die or be killed while they remain in the space, though they can fall prey to their fellow inhabitants.

If they leave, they are fair game for The Hunt, and not eligible for reentry.

Sacrifices are brought to the settlement to quell the evil cravings. Screams are broadcast from the surface to soothe the insatiable longings of the not-quite-damned. No one knows exactly how the settlement was started, or who made the agreements required for entry, but everyone knows the blood sealed contracts are unbreakable and eternal.

Special arrangements are being made to allow you a visit, agreements that will have to be signed and sealed, rules that will need to be followed lest you become visible, and thus vulnerable, to the settlement inhabitants.

Are you ready?

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